
Tesla have been manufacturing
electron tubes since 1936 .They
manufacture end-stage tubes
used in CO2 laser HF Generators

The tubes come with a 5000 hours / 2 year warranty so you can rest assured
that these tubes are top quality when you fit them in your laser.

Products include:
Vacuum elements used in HF
generators for laser cutting, HF heating,
tempering and welding.

We supply


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Tesla have been manufacturing electron tubes since 1936. They manufacture end-stage tubesĀ used in CO2 laser HF Generators

The tubes come with a 5000 hours / 2 year warranty so you can rest assured that these tubes are top quality when you fit them in your laser.

Products include:
Vacuum elements used in HF generators for laser cutting, HF heating, tempering and welding.

We supply


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Tesla have been manufacturing
electron tubes since 1936 .They
manufacture end-stage tubes
used in CO2 laser HF Generators

The tubes come with a 5000 hours / 2 year warranty so you can rest assured
that these tubes are top quality when you fit them in your laser.

Products include:
Vacuum elements used in HF
generators for laser cutting, HF heating, tempering and welding.

We supply


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